Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Moro Naba Palace

Moab Language Found in Burkina Faso
Linking the Moab to North West Africa
By: Cozmo Ali El
Published 9:06 pm PST  04-29-2014

In relationship to the statements made by Noble Drew Ali regarding the "Moabites from the land of Moab," relocating to northwest Africa, there has resulted much dispute as to it's validity. Moreover, It has been claimed that Moors were in fact Arab Muslims and not native to Africa. Upon researching this angle of history, I have come across some interesting information that may shed light on Ali's "controversial" statement.

There exist in the North western part of Africa a people and a language that lends credibility to the migration of Moabites to that region. The place is Burkina Faso as well as Togo and perhaps as far as Modern Day Lybia.

I speak of the language Moba or and the Gurma people of northwest Africa
According to ethnology Moba is also known as Moab.
"Moba-A language of Togo

"Alternate Names
Ben, Moa, Moab, Moare

Language Use
Vigorous. Home, neighborhood, market, work, church. All ages. Positive attitudes.
Language Development
Literacy rate in L1: 1%–30%. More interest in learning to read French than Moba.

Language Maps
Burkina Faso

Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, North, Gur, Central, Northern, Oti-Volta, Gurma, Moba

Northwest Savanes Region, Tandjoare prefecture, into Tone and Oti prefectures, mainly Dapaong and Bombouaka towns.
Ethnologue: Languages of the World is a web-based publication that contains statistics for 7,105 languages and dialects in the 17th edition, released in 2013.


 Burkina Faso

"Linguistic Affiliation. French, the language of the former colonizing power, is the official language. It is used in schools, the army, the media, and by people who attend school if they are not from the same ethnic group. Since many people do not go to school, they have little or no knowledge of the French language. Widespread vernacular languages include Mooré in the center of the country and Dyula in the west; a few other languages are also used in radio programs and on television news. Among more than sixty languages spoken in Burkina Faso, thirty-eight belong to the Gur or Voltaic language family, including Mooré, Bwamu, Dagara, and Lobiri. The Mande language family includes twelve languages, such as Bisa, Sane, Dyula, and Bobo. Other language families include only one or two languages; the most important of these is Fulfulde spoken by the cattle rearing Fulbe people. Many Burkinabè grow up speaking several national languages as well as French."

Read more: http://www.everyculture.com/Bo-Co/Burkina-Faso.html#ixzz30JopLBjG

The Gurma people living mainly in Burkina Faso, Togo, benin and Niger. Gurma are also known as Gourmantche'. Gourmantche' bears striking phonetic similarity to Garamante of Ancient Fazzan or Fezzania.

"The earliest occupation documented in Volume 2 consists of small bands of hunter-gatherers exploiting quartzite deposits to make Acheulean handaxes from c. 400,000 BP. There is substantial evidence for the Middle Paleolithic until c. 70,000 BP when an arid phase set in, resulting in the drying up of a large lake in the 3-10 km-wide by 150 km-long Wadi al-Ajal. At that time the Fazzan was abandoned and re-occupation did not take place until c. 10,000 BP, when mobile hunter-gatherers returned. Growing aridity led to the initiation of pastoralism and agriculture perhaps as early as 8,000 BP. During the last 5,000 years, rainfall has been negligible, and therefore agricultural production increasingly depended on the ability to acquire water from underground sources. This was most notably achieved by the use of foggaras, subterranean tunnels which tap aquifers and lead water to cultivated plots. A minimum of 617 of these foggaras are known in the Fazzan. They provided for the basis for substantial human occupation, with population numbers possibly in the tens of thousands at their peak in the first three centuries CE (Daniels estimated 120,000 Garamantian tombs could be found along the Wadi al-Ajal). The majority of the population lived in towns and villages, though they were stereotyped as transhumant pastoralists by Greek and Roman authors. Garamantian civilization declined from c. 400 CE. The Fazzan existed outside Islamic control until the 11th or 12th century, but new trans-Saharan trade routes developed through Morocco and Algeria, and the influence of the Garamantes on the development of the desert diminished. (Bryn Mawr Classical Review) 2010.02.79 David. J. Mattingly (ed.), The Archaeology of Fazzan. Volume 2. Site Gazetteer, Pottery and Other Survey Finds. Society for Libyan Studies Monograph 7.   London:  The Society for Libyan Studies and Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahariya Department of Antiquities, 2007.  Pp. xxix, 522, figs. 760, tables 37.  ISBN 9781900971054. Reviewed by David L. Stone, Florida State University)

Fazzan is Libya’s vast south-west desert province, its boundaries variously defined over time to cover an era of 550,000–640,000 km2. However, this kingdom may have been more extensive in ancient times.

"Herodotus wrote of the Garamantes’ four-horse chariots, which are pictured in rock carvings and paintings at many nearby sites. He also described their agricultural practice of strewing earth upon the salt plain before sowing their crops, noting correctly the high natron (bicarbonate of soda) content of the Fezzan soils. More fancifully, he also wrote that the Garamates bred cattle with horns so large that the animals were obliged to walk backward as they grazed, dragging their horns behind them like plows." "Lybia's Forgotten Desert," Written by Louis Werner, Saudi Aramco Arab and islamic Cultures and Connections

There are many commonalities between the Garamante and the Moabites.

"For archeologists, the dating and sequencing of human habitation in Garama is still far from clear. The old city had three mosques which are now, like the rest of the city, in ruins. Under two of them have been found cut-stone foundations with some indication that they had been temples to the Phoenician goddess Tanit, who in another guise was worshiped at Meroë in the Sudan—perhaps under the distant influence of the Garamantes." IBID

Tanit, a femenin-moon force or "moon goddess" is equivalent to Ashtar of the Moabites alternate spelling of Attar (god), an Ethiopian Aksumite of Amexumite diety.

"It was the Garamante Manding speaking tribe who took Amon worship to Greece. In Appollonius Rhodius iv.1310, we discover that the goddess Athene was born beside Lake Tritonis in Libya. Plato, identified Athene of Athens with the Libyan god Neith. Athene was worshipped by the Manding and other Western Saharans including the Linear A people of Minoan Crete. Athene is always associated with the god Amon. Moreover the Manding concept of N'ama as a dynamic spirit among the other Mande tribes point to an earlier worship of Amon, before the Mande accepted Islam. The Bambara call their ancestral god Gnia or Nia, this has affinity to the Greek term for the Libyan god called Neith." The Proto- Saharans by Clyde A. Winters
Read more: http://www.everyculture.com/Bo-Co/Burkina-Faso.html#ixzz30JopLBjG

Neith (Deity) of the Garamante

Neith was a goddess of war but her name also may be interpreted as meaning water. In time, this led to her being considered as the personification of the primordial waters of creation. She is identified as a great mother goddess in this role as a creator.
Neith as the mother of Ra, she was sometimes described as the "Great Cow who gave birth to Ra".
When she was identified as a water goddess, she was also viewed as the mother of Sobek, the crocodile. It was this association with water, i.e. the Nile, that led to her sometimes being considered the wife of Khnum, and associated with the source of the River Nile. She was associated with the Nile Perch.
An interior wall of the temple at Esna records an account of creation in which Neith brings forth from the primeval waters of the Nun the first land ex nihilo. All that she conceived in her heart comes into being including the thirty gods. Having no known husband she has been described as "Virgin Mother Goddess."

Chemosh (deiy) of the Moabites

Chemosh was a god associated with the Semitic mother-goddess Ashtar, whose name he bears. (Moabite Stone, line 17; compare Barton, "Semitic Origins," iv.)
Chemosh was the national deity of the Moabites whose name most likely meant "destroyer," "subduer," or "fish god." While he is most readily associated with the Moabites, according to Judges 11:24 he seems to have been the national deity of the Ammonites as well.


"It is interesting to note that in the Linear A inscriptions we find mention of the goddess Nia= Neith. Moreover, some South Indian worship Amma = Amon. The priest of this cult are called Chom or Khonrini, the Greeks called them Gymnosophists. This Chom, of the Dravidians has affinity to Khon, the leading Kushite god. "The Proto Saharan Religions,' Clyde A. winters

Or perhaps Ammon and Chom is none other than the Moabite Chemosh.

The Moore' Language
In relationship to the word Moor, it is interesting to note that the term Moor existed in the region far be fore the use of moor in reference to Arabs Persians and Muslims in general i.e., "16c.-17c. used indiscriminately of Muslims (Persians, Arabs, etc.) but especially those in India.) Online Etymological Dictionary

The Mossi language (known in the language as Mòoré; also Mooré, Moré, Moshi, Moore or More) is one of two official regional languages of Burkina Faso and refer to their ruler as Moro or Mogho Naba.

"OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso — Every Friday at dawn, a crowd gathers outside a dilapidated palace here in Burkina Faso's capital to attend a ritual faithfully repeated for centuries.The ceremony involves traditional chiefs bearing the title of "Ministers," a lavishly-bedecked stallion and a mighty monarch called the Mogho Naba, or emperor of the Mossi tribe…. The emperor, revered as "the Rising Sun" by the Mossi people, is assisted by a court made up of Naba (chiefs, in the More language). They include the Gouaga Naba, head of the imperial infantry, and the Kamsogho Naba, the chief eunuch in charge of the harem. (Emperor of the Mossi Tribe : In Burkina Faso, Mogho Naba Lives On February 05, 1989 |JEAN-LOUP FIEVET | Reuters)
                                                                      Mossi Chiefs   

                                           Before Africa was colonized the Mossi people
                                                    lived in the Moro/Mogho kingdom 



Sunday, April 27, 2014

Rant or Resolution
Donald Sterling and the Status of "Blacks" in America 
 By: Cozmo Ali-El 
04/27/2014 1:25pm

Not often are we able to peer into the private thoughts of such prominent men like Donald Sterling. What do men of his socio-economic echelon revolve in their minds regarding the status of so-called blacks?

Arguments are debates. Granted due to the emotional nature of debates, the continuity of the debate can often become lost.

As arguments go, the one between Donald Sterling and his girlfriend V. Stiviano was pretty coherent. So even though parts may seem a little erratic, one can follow both debaters. One logic is emotional i.e, Stiviano and the other is one of a socio-political and historical nature.

Sterling is concerned with his girlfriend's public association with "blacks" in general. Stiviano can't reconcile how he can think this way and yet continue a relationship with her.

Stiviano proposes the question: What is wrong with minorities?

The root word in minority is minor, meaning the legal age of the person before adulthood. A minority group is a sociological category and not a social group. It applies to categories of persons who hold few positions of social power. This category is determined by the social majority or those who hold the majority political and social power in society like people such as Sterling.

Stiviano refers to him as a racist and proposes the question " is she to understand that racism is still alive?" Sterling replies : " No there is a culture," further going on to speak of this culture's historical roots.

The cultural root are not mere emotional feelings, they are a socio-economic system stemming from slavery but by no means limited to past.

"Since the early 1800s, many laws in both North and South discriminated systematically against free Blacks. In the South, "slave codes" placed significant restrictions on Black Americans who were not themselves slaves. A major purpose of these laws was maintenance of the system of white supremacy that made slavery possible.

With legal prohibitions of slavery ordered by the Emancipation Proclamation, acts of state legislature, and eventually the Thirteenth Amendment, Southern states adopted new laws to regulate Black life. Although these laws had different official titles, they were (and are) commonly known as Black Codes." Wikipedia

The prominent feature of the "Black Codes was Vagrancy Law.  One is considered a Vagrant if he could not prove his own standing or title (hereditary.)
Following the Black Codes, were Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow Laws are basically laws enforcing segregation of the caste known as "black." Examples are as follows.

"The following Jim Crow Etiquette
1. A black male could not offer his hand (to shake hands) with a white male because it implied being socially equal.
2. Obviously, a black male could not offer his hand or any other part of his body to a white woman, because he risked being accused of rape.
3. Blacks and whites were not supposed to eat together. If they did eat together, whites were to be served first, and some sort of partition was to be placed between them.
4. Under no circumstance was a black male to offer to light the cigarette of a white female -- that gesture implied intimacy.
5. Blacks were not allowed to show public affection toward one another in public, especially kissing, because it offended whites.
6. Jim Crow etiquette prescribed that blacks were introduced to whites, never whites to blacks. For example: "Mr. Peters (the white person), this is Charlie (the black person), that I spoke to you about."
7. Whites did not use courtesy titles of respect when referring to blacks, for example, Mr., Mrs., Miss., Sir, or Ma'am. Instead, blacks were called by their first names. Blacks had to use courtesy titles when referring to whites, and were not allowed to call them by their first names. " according to jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia, Ferris State University"What is Jim Crow.

Now while most people believe that the Civil Rights Bill of 1865 changed the status of black to Equal with that of the "White-Caste," one must point out that so-called blacks actually enjoy a temporary status.

Many people believe that due to the Civil Rights Act of 1965, that blacks are now considered full citizens of the United Sates. However, this is not the case.
The Voting Rights Act is an act. It was not signed into law. In 1982, Ronald Reagan amended the Voting Rights Act for only another 25 years. In 2007, it was again amended by George W. Bush for another 25 years. I ask you to think: Is there any other group of citizens that must have their voting rights come under review every 25 years? This is clear evidence that blacks, as a group of people do not enjoy full citizenship in the United States.

Sterling stated to his girlfriend that "she was supposed to be the Latina or delicate white girl." What caste is he masking reference to?
"origin of latina
American Spanish, feminine of latino."
First Known Use: 1983" Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Latin (adj.) Old English latin, from Latin Latinus "belonging to Latium," the region of Italy around Rome, possibly from PIE root *stela- "to spread, extend," with a sense of "flat country" (as opposed to the mountainous district of the Sabines), or from a prehistoric non-IE language. The Latin adjective also was used of the Roman language and people. according to "Online Etymological Dictionary."

So-called black people must begin to understand that the so-called White men such as Sterling are not unclear regarding the Caste Status of 'blacks" nor the system with which they perpetuate the order of white supremacy. It is , however, time for so called blacks to learn this bit of crucial information regarding there status in this society. Study Moorish History, learn of their true title and proclaim their nationality. Lest 2031 is upon them and they are still in the temporary second class slave-caste they are in at present.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Who is Queen Netha?
By: Cozmo Ali-El

Tradition Holds that Noble Drew Ali "showed Bro. T. Booker-Bey and some other Moors one night, a spot in Chicago, Illinois, where a Moabite Queen ruled from. Her name was Queen Netha, and she waged war with five Pharaohs," according to Oral Statements and Prophesies of Prophet Noble Dew Ali.
It has been inferred that perhaps Netha is a reference to Nefer and is perhaps referring to queen Nefer or Nafer-tiri However, there is historical information to support an actual Netha. Netha itself is a title and has been often used as a surname.
According to "Behind the Name" website it's gender is masculine and feminine. It's usage is Indian Merotic, and Hindu. Pernounceed Neetha. It dates back to the 1500bc through the Telugu peoples to Sansrit to Kushite 25 Dynasty. It means Leader or Master.
We find further evidence of it's definition in the book "A Pali Reader," by Dines Andersoen, PH.D. (Pali (also Pāḷi) is a Middle Indo-Aryan language that is in the Prakrit language group and was indigenous to the Indian subcontinent.) Netha has it's origin in the in the verb Neti which means to lead, guide, carry off and take.
Minerva is by some supported to have been originally the Egyptian deity worshipped particularly at Sais under the name Neith or Netha. [(according to "Manul of Classical Literature." Classical Antiques. By Johann Joachim Eschnburg]
A google search of the name netha shows that it is mostly used as a name today in India.
According to the "Ancient History Encyclopedia," Mark Cartwright, Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom, medicine, commerce, handicrafts, poetry, the arts in general, and later, war.
Thomas Maurice "Observations on the remains of Ancient Egyptian Grandeur and Superstitions" asserts that Netha has esoteric implications. " It has been already observed that by Netha the Egyptians meant the supreme wisdom."
Queen Netha, however, is indeed a real figure. 

N ei th
Q ue en
6th dy nas ty
fl. c. 23rd cent ury BC
One of the queens of the 6th dynasty pharaoh Pepi II. Neith was probably a daughter of the pharaoh Pepi I and queen Ankhesenpepi I, making her half-sister to pharaoh Pepi II. Neith may be the mother of pharaoh Nemtyemsaf II.
Or maybe Drew Ali was making reference to: 

Perhaps some clarity can be obtained from the history of Chicago or for that matter of native America in general. The name Chicago is derived from the local Indian word chicagoua for the native garlic plant (not onion) Allium tricoccum. This garlic (in French: ail sauvage) grew in abundance on the south end of Lake Michigan on the wooded banks of the extensive river system which bore the same name, chicagoua. Father Gravier, a thorough student of the local Miami language, introduced the spelling chicagoua, or chicagou8, in the 1690`s, attempting to express the inflection which the Indians gave to the last syllable of the word. according to "CHICAGO: MEANING OF THE NAME AND LOCATION OF PRE-1800 EUROPEAN SETTLEMENTS by John F. Swenson; adapted from "Chicagoua/Chicago: The Origin, Meaning, and Etymology of a place name"; Illinois Historic Journal 84, winter 1991."
The native Miami language belong to the Algonquian language group spoken by the Mississippi tribe of the illinois Confederacy.

"The term Mississippian includes several similar regional archaeological cultures. The southwestern portion of this huge area (Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma) is known as Caddo; the Oneota reached northward into Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin; and Mississippian-like towns and settlements in the Ohio River valley are known as Fort Ancient: all of these distinctive cultures share the important traits of mound construction, artifact forms, symbols, and stratified ranking." Mississippian CultureNative American Farmers of the American Midwest and Southeast By K. Kris Hirst. 

1st dynasty
fl. c. 31st century BC
Queen of Egypt, and likely wife of Narmer.

Dr. Umar Shabazz bey has provided plethora of information regarding the locations of many mounds and pyramids connecting not only Chicago but the all of N. America with the Pyramid Culture of Egypt. In fact, the Mississippian culture resembled that of the Nile Valley in location, farming, trade and transportation.

Mississippian Civilization

Nile Valley 



Nile Valley Farming 


Suffice it to say that a Queen Netha ruling fromChicago is not such a far fetched idea in terms of modern Archeology. However, imagine what it would of been like back during the time of Noble Drew Ali when he was delivering the bit of history that he shared with the Moors of his day (Brother T. Booker-Bey and other Moors.)
Also, When one thinks of five Pharaohs, one may have a tendency to jump way over to Egypt without realizing that there may have been Pharaohs ruling In N. America. Evidence of Pyramids and mounds strongly support the idea.